Scientific Pathways to Startup Excellence in the European Ecosystem

Understanding the EU Start-Up Ecosystem by Dr. Özdemir Çetin
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Human Rights Violations in Türkiye

Birleşmiş Milletler tarafından 10 Aralık 1948 tarihinde kabul edilen İnsan Hakları Evrensel Bildirgesi’nin yıl dönümü dolayısıyla her yıl 10 Aralık'ta...
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Principles of Scientific Article Writing for Academics (Presentation language is Turkish)

Presentation language is Turkish.
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The Philipp Schwartz Initiative of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

Their home countries are blighted by war, their freedom of research is curtailed or they are persecuted: in many.

Prof. Dr. Haluk Savaş

The Symbol of Hope: Prof. Dr. Haluk Savaş He was one of the “Academics at Risk”. Nobody could label.

Seminar 1: Ausbildung, Weiterbildung ve Umschulung

Platformumuz tarafından ülkelerinden göçe zorlanan akademisyenlerin çalışma ve mesleki hayata entegrasyonuna katkı sağlama amacına uygun olarak “Ausbildung, Weiterbildung ve.

Academic Freedom in Turkey

STATE EMERGENCY and ERDOGAN REGIME Erdogan regime declared the state of emergency for 3 months on July 20, 2016,.


This page contains a list of websites regarding upcoming international scientific events and conferences to be held worldwide. Academicians.

Job Opportunities

Below you can find links to academic vacancies, job offers, and job searches mainly from Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the.


Researchers in Motion is a unique pan-European initiative delivering information and support services to professional researchers. Backed by the.

Social costs of the state of emergency in its third year

All those who are associated with the so-called attempted coup and who are seen as oppositional to the government.

Book Description

Ich werde nie wieder den Himmel ohne Rahmen sehen – Buchbeschreibung Our Academics at Risk Platform member introduced Ahmet.

Seminar 3: Berufliche Anerkennung in Deutschland

Almanyada Anerkenung Süreci Academics at Risk Platformu gönüllüsü Akademisyenler tarafından, Almanya’da Üniversite Diplomalarının Tanıtılması ve Mesleki Denklik için yapılması.

Seminar 2: Almanya’da Akademisyen Adaylarına Yönelik Burs İmkanları

ALMANYA‘DA AKADEMİSYEN ADAYLARINA YÖNELİK YÜKSEK LİSANS, DOKTORA İMKANLARI 13 Haziran 2020 tarihinde Platform gönüllülerimiz tarafından Almanya’da mülteci konumunda bulunan.

The Roadmap and Information Meeting for the Philipp Schwartz Initiative

Philipp Schwartz Girişim Bursu Başvurusu için Yol Haritası ve Bilgilendirme Toplantısı.

The Ulam Programme

Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) is pleased to announce new programme for incoming researchers: The Ulam Programme..

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Information for Researchers No. 82 | 18 December 2015 Refugee Scientists and Academics: DFG to Facilitate Participation in Research Projects Higher.

The Heinrich Böll Foundation’s Scholarship

The Heinrich Böll Foundation’s Scholarship Department awards scholarships to German and foreign PhD students in accordance with the guidelines.

Applications for the Philipp Schwartz Initiative

Applications in the 7th call of the Philipp Schwartz Initiative can be submitted until 29 February 2020. The Philipp.

   Academics at Risk e.V. 

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