Erdogan regime declared the state of emergency for 3 months on July 20, 2016, with aim of an effective fight against Gulen movement and all oppositions as the result of their accusation of Gulen movement as the mastermind of July 15, 2016, military coup attempt. Higher Education System of Turkey contains two types of structure: State Universities and Foundation Universities (called also Private Universities). There are, at present, 129 state Universities and 72 Foundation Universities in Turkey and this report accentuates situation of State Universities and Academia.
Statutory Decrees and Dismissals Only three days after the declaration of a state of emergency on July 20th, 35 health institutions and organizations, 15 Foundation Universities, 1043 private education institutions and dormitories, 1229 foundations and associations, 19 syndicates and syndicate confederations were shut down through no.667 Statutory decree (1).

All those institutions were intimate with Gulen movement. At present, the number of educational institutions including NGOs which have been closed under claims of connections with the Gulen movement has increased. In total, 3003 schools, dormitories, and universities have been shut down. After the declaration of a state of emergency on July 20th, 15 Foundation Universities, 35 health institutions and organizations, 1043 private education institutions and dormitories, 1229 foundations and associations, 19 syndicates and syndicate confederations were closed down.

Academic Freedom in Turkey