Funding for Refugee Scholars and Scientists

Area of research: all disciplines

Type of funding: own position or fellowship

Up to 2 or 3 years (depending on funding opportunity)

Researchers who are or were funded by the Foundation and who wish to integrate refugee scholars into their research context

Prerequisites: applicant is/was funded by the Foundation (within the last 10 years) and is currently linked to a research institution in Germany

Additional benefits: special family related benefits

Do Not Apply Without Prior Consultation


The Volkswagen Foundation wishes to contribute to the integration of refugee scholars and academics in research and society and help them to carry on their academic career in Germany.

Scope of Funding

  • Within the scope of a fellowship program, researchers who are currently or were funded during the last 10 years by the Foundation have the possibility to integrate refugee scholars into their research context for up to two years.
  • Furthermore, grant recipients of projects currently funded by the Foundation can apply for up to EUR 200,000 – in addition to the grants already made – to integrate refugee scholars and scientists into their research projects for up to three years.

Further details on the conditions and the application procedure can be found under Information for Applicants (pdf). In any case, before drafting detailed proposals applicants should first contact the respective program manager for their subject area or the respective funding line. Applications must be filed electronically via the electronic application system.


The funding for refugee scholars was established in 2016.


Please discuss your application with the contact person for your ongoing project or your subject area

What Applicants Need to Know

Information for Applicants 110

What we do NOT fund

Application FAQs