Their home countries are blighted by war, their freedom of research is curtailed or they are persecuted: in many parts of the world, scientists and scholars are in danger. The Philipp Schwartz Initiative helps researchers who have fled their countries to find their feet at German universities and research institutions.
The Philipp Schwartz Initiative provides universities and research institutions in Germany with the means to host threatened foreign researchers for a period of 24 months on a fully funded research fellowship. An extension is possible under a co-financing model.
The Initiative is funded by the Federal Foreign Office, with generous additional support from the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen and Halbach Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, the Gerda Henkel Foundation, the Klaus Tschira Foundation, the Robert Bosch Foundation, the Stifterverband, and the Stiftung Mercator.
“Philipp Schwartz Initiative” is a globally registered trademark.
Dr. Barbara Sheldon
Head of Strategic Planning Division
Managing Director Philipp Schwartz Initiative
Phone: +49 228 833 109
Frank Albrecht
Programme Director Philipp Schwartz Initiative
Phone: +49 228 833 122
Programme Officers Philipp Schwartz Initiative
Katja Machacsek, phone: +49 228 833 182
Katharina Poth, phone: 49 228 833 166
Svetlana Strobel, phone: +49 228 833 409
schwartz-initiative@avh.deFor Press Inquiries
Phone: +49 228 833 144
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